Tuesday, August 26, 2014

DAY 26--Staying put

The weather is supposed to be rainy all day, winds out of the east again, so rather than be miserable we decided to stay in Medora for one more day. We did some of the usual--laundry,studying maps,
updating the blog and checking email. Also looked around town some. Went to the local book store. We also went to the visitors' center at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. They had a lot of information about Roosevelt's time spent in North Dakota. He credits that time with helping him to become President. Roosevelt was way ahead of his time as far as conservation and land management, and he created the National Park system.
We spent the evening watching several episodes of "The Big Bang Theory".

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic where Lonna looks like she is trying to hold a book while sitting in front of a computer! Nahhh, we ain't old! Just crochety. :)
