Friday, October 10, 2014


On Saturday, October 4th, the first place in the USA to be hit by the sun's rays was Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. We got up early and drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain to celebrate, even though it was drizzling and foggy. Once the sun was up (or at least it wasn't dark any more), we drove more of the loop road around the park, stopping at Sand Beach to stick our toes in the ocean, and at the fascinating Thunder Hole.
We spent the afternoon cruising the Main Street shops. That evening, two friends of Lonna's invited us to their home for a gathering to celebrate the breaking of their fast for Yom Kippur. We feasted on all kinds of wonderful food and enjoyed the company of some interesting people. We spent the night there, and headed out early the next morning for the two-day drive to Wisconsin. We arrived at Lonna's home on Monday and had another celebration, with our husbands! Joel had made us each t-shirts imprinted with our route. We also had champagne, grilled steaks, and fine chocolate. It was a great end to a fabulous journey!

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